Home > Gemological News > A GemAddicts Salute to OUR Gem – Jamey Swisher

A GemAddicts Salute to OUR Gem – Jamey Swisher

October 8th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

We would like to take this opportunity to say a special THANK YOU to Jamey S aka Jamey Swisher without whom this website and much of it’s content wouldn’t be possible. Jamey’s knowledge of gemstones and gem material helps us all learn more with each post. His cutting abilities and explanations are easy to follow and appreciated by many. He also creates wire wrap jewelry and makes some amazing pieces. Here also, he gladly shares this knowledge with everyone. Just find the ‘Wire Wrap’ section in our GemAddicts forum to browse through the many pieces he has shared with us. As if that’s not enough, he also creates more with gold and silver.

Our beautiful GemAddicts Gallery was his idea turned to reality – with the help of our own ‘Astynax’, it has become a beautiful place and will continue to grow as more contributions are made. Below as well as in the September 2009 archives is a wonderful article announcing it’s ‘Grand Opening’. Since Jamey wrote the announcement, he, as usual, did not give himself the credit due. We twisted his arm to put that little acknowledgment paragraph in there but we are remedying that here!

He is also an award winning photographer, his talent is beyond amazing. His skills are very apparent when looking at his gemstone and mineral pictures. His ability to capture macro and microscopic shots give us views into the world many of us would never otherwise see. He willingly shares this knowledge with anyone with no thought of return. He doesn’t only take pictures of gems and minerals, him and his camera go many places. Below you will find a link to see some of his beautiful photos. Visit our forum to see some of his work also.

He is dedicated to honesty and integrity in business and goes the extra mile for Jen’s customers. He shares his life, business and photographic abilities with his wonderful wife, Jen – they are a true ‘match made in Heaven’. You will find her website on the ‘Safe Vendor’ list as well as below.

As if all that isn’t enough, he’s a computer programmer using his skills to create this wonderful site. There is so much more that we’ve forgotten to mention, poke around for a while – you will understand. Just read his introduction under the ‘Meet and Greet’ section.

Jamey’s Photos
MORE Jamey’s Photos

Gems by Jennifer

Jamey – THANK YOU!
From All of Us here at GemAddicts

Categories: Gemological News Tags:
  1. October 11th, 2009 at 00:26 | #1

    I am truly honored, flattered, and embarrassed, lol. But it is not just all me, the entire GemAddicts Community deserves the kudos! I may have set things up, but it is all of you who keep things running and make this website what it is! Without all of you it would merely be another one of thousands of other websites out there, but you all make it a very special place and a very special project! Each and every one of you, and not just the Moderators either, ALL of you, give input, help with everything, help others, answer questions, help track down safe vendors as well as bad ones, etc. Without all of you it would still be in its infancy stages, but you have all brought it along so fast and so far and very quickly too! I can not begin to thank each and every member enough for their kindness, time giving, and free sharing of knowledge for this is what truly makes this place shine above! Keep up the great work gang!!

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