Home > Gemological News, Gemstone Alert > GILC Finally Gives the Verdict on Glass-Filled Ruby Disclosures

GILC Finally Gives the Verdict on Glass-Filled Ruby Disclosures

National Jeweler

May 26, 2010

New York–Following months of discussion and debate about what jewelers should say when selling lead glass-filled rubies to consumers, the Gemstone Industry and Laboratory Conference (GILC) ruby committee–which held a meeting about the issue during the Tucson gem shows in February–has reached an agreement on disclosure.

Specifically, the GILC committee voted to approve a measure that says retailers should describe lead glass-filled rubies to consumers as follows: “Composite-Ruby, Glass-Filled, Requires Special Care.”

It is about time someone finally made a decision on this topic! A little late IMHO, but better late then never! I think most legitimate vendors had already started using these designations months ago though. So it is of little surprise they finally made them “official”. I just hope, as another user Lukeness, pointed out, that they do differentiate between glass filled and composite rubies from their far better counterparts, fissure healed rubies. Because fissure healed rubies are far more stable, and the next best thing to an untreated one!

Read the full article HERE.

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