Well. That is a good question. Rainbow Calsilica is it real or not? It is most definitely real as in a real material fashioned into slabs and cabochons.
But the source of this material is man-made without any doubts nor questions!
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There’s been a lot if questions about the dark dots on Welo opals from Wollo Provence.
Some have went back to the petrified or preserved plant matter again. Others, no clue.
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Categories: Gemological News Tags: African opals, dendrites, Dendritic, Dendritic opals, gemaddicts, gemological, gemology, gemstones, opals, Welo opals, Welos
AGL Identifies Irradiated Emeralds
According to the report the color can be stable or can fade with light and time.
So be on the lookout!
Article link on this page:
A relatively new, but not brand new, fake on the market now is quartz that is cut in typical tourmaline designs and is then coated to look just like watermelon tourmaline. It is the typical CVD method used in the well known Mystic Topaz line of products. The treatment is not the problem, but that many unscrupulous vendors and dealers are selling these pieces as real watermelon tourmaline!
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Our forum sign ups have been reactivated. The Bot attack has finally ceased.
Please use the link below for the full story and any updates I may list as I find out more information. But a quick summation is that Sri Lanka buyers have been buying up lots of the dark dark blue sapphire rough from Nigeria and Australia and have some how discovered a way to use Beryllium Treatment to lighten these overly dark and less valuable sapphires into close to top colors and far more valuable blues! The issue is many are just being sold into the Market as Ceylon/Sri Lanka origin materials and the only treatment(s) disclosed are “Heat” or “Heat Only” or “Heated”, no disclosure of Beryllium Diffusion/Treatment disclosed!
A friend and colleague, Hamid Usman Khattak(HUK) AG Gemologist from the Gems & Gemological Institute of Pakistan (GGIP)-Peshawar has shared with me some very unusual images I thought everyone would bee interested in viewing and giving their thoughts upon them. I was stunned!

Obviously the stone was cut to enhance the layout of the inclusions, but still, talk about wild!! Mother Nature has lots of tricks up her sleeves!
Once again, we can not thank our friend and colleague, Hamid Usman Khattak(HUK) AG Gemologist from the Gems & Gemological Institute of Pakistan (GGIP)-Peshawar for sharing this find and his wonderful images with us!
You can now register and post with your Facebook Login here on GemAddicts. We also added “LIKE” buttons on all of our article so you can like what you see and help spread the word on Facebook. We did this to make it easier on our members so they do not have to have multiple sign ups on numerous different web pages.
Riccardo Befi, of the GIA Laboratory in New York, submitted the following entry to the Gems & Gemology (G&G) Lab Notes section.
Two interesting samples resembling trapiche emerald were recently brought to our attention by gem dealer Farooq Hashmi (Intimate Gems, Jamaica, New York). They had been cut from the same “crystal,” which closely resembled a natural trapiche emerald. The “crystal” was obtained on a mid-2010 trip to Colombia from a seller who was not initially aware he had acquired an imitation.
Check out the full article here: GIA G&G Trapiche Emerald Imitation
This brings yet another stone to keep an eye on! I was starting to suspect something with the sudden influx of these Trapiche Emeralds on TV Networks, Ebay, and the usual outlets that these scams typically fester and perpetrate in and then spread out from there. When a once fairly rare and expensive phenomena stone starts showing up in large amounts and on Ebay auctions for .99 starting prices with lots of them being offered and heavily discounted on TV shows, it is typically a very good flag that should set off the tingles of your spidey senses as to something being awry! Read more…
It is official. The GemAddicts contest has officially been launched, or will be in a couple hours. Make sure to check out the Form thread for the rules, how to enter, and what you can win!
Rules, Entrance Info, and Prizes.
Let’s have some fun folks and let’s see how good your work is! Open to gemstone cutters, gemstone cabbers, gemstone carvers, wire wrappers, metal smiths, wire weavers, chainmaille, jewelers, designers, etc.
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Categories: Site News, Uncategorized Tags: Contest, designing contest, gemological, gemstone carving contest, gemstone contest, gemstones, hand cut gemstones, hand made jewelry, jewelry contest, lapidary, wire wrap contest