
We are a group/community or Professionals, Collectors, Conniseurs, Gemologists, Geologists, Photographers, Scientists, Engineers, etc. that have gathered together to help educate the consumer, as well as anyone else who cares to learn, about gemstones, gemology, lapidary arts, jewelry, rock & mineral collecting, and any other areas related to the aformentioned.

We also have a list of Safe vendors who offer gemstones and jewelry under full disclosure of treatments and the like. Along with this list we also have a list of bad sellers/vendors to avoid who mislead their customers.

We are here to re-establish trust in the gemstone & Jewelry Industries.

All users are welcome and are only asked to follow a minimal set of rules.

Please join us and begin expanding your education.

  1. Jasper Rocks
    February 5th, 2012 at 11:39 | #1

    I feel as though I’m the only human being in a vast starship called GemAddicts. I have yet to find a recent post. Is anybody there?

  2. February 9th, 2012 at 00:35 | #2

    We’re here. Forum is more active. Main Site is just for news.

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